The Parc des Palmiers is a project that was launched in 1998. It was at this time that the idea of creating a vast park in Le Tampon, devoted exclusively to the large family of palm trees, was born.
The opening of this still unfinished complex took place at the beginning of January 2010. Built on land that had previously been used for the cultivation of cane in Sucre, the park is located along Chemin de Dassy, at Trois Mares, and at the corner of Rue Baudelaire.
D’une superficie actuelle de près de 3 ha, il s’étendra à terme sur plus de 20 ha. Il sera essentiellement consacré aux palmiers. On devrait y dénombrer 500 espèces différentes sur les 2 800 existantes, et plus de 2 000 palmiers ont déjà été mis en terre.Il accueillera des aires de pique-nique, des restaurants, un espace exposition-conférence et une pépinière où les visiteurs pourront acheter des palmiers.
A palm tree nursery, near the park, has been operational since the start of 2000; today this nursery has more than 30,000 plants.
For the moment, not the right to picnic
Prohibition on dogs, bicycles and rollerblades
See more parks on our interactive map of Réunion.