Top Visits in Reunion

Forest of Tévelave


Forest of Tévelave

Tévelave, on the edge of the great forest The Tévelave forest or Hauts de l'Ouest forest is one of the virgin forests of Reunion Island. Located at…

Étang Salé Beach

Salt Pond

Étang Salé Beach

The beach of Étang Salé, the black beauty of Reunion Island Located to the west of Reunion in the town of the city of Etang-Salé, the beach of Étang Salé…

Cormorant Basin


Cormorant Basin

The Cormoran basin, a walk around the 3 basins The Cormoran basin located to the west of Reunion Island, not far from the seaside resort of Saint-Gilles-les-Bains and…

Coming soon


Guava tree festival

The festival of guava trees, the ...


Grand Boucan

Grand Boucan, the carnival that ...


Favorite party

The feast of the darling, the ...


Vacoas Festival

The holiday of vacoa, a ...

Last articles

route plus cher
Nouvelle Route du Littoral (NRL)

Une nouvelle phase…

velo pei
Vélo Péï

Embarquez, pédalez, trinquez…


Hotels in Reunion

LUX * Saint Gilles Resort


LUX * Saint Gilles Resort

Hotel Lux, the only 5-star waterfront hotel in Reunion Island, a jewel of colonial architecture by the lagoon On the western coast of this lush tropical island,…

Relais de l'Hermitage

Saint-Gilles les Bains

Relais de l'Hermitage

Le Relais de l'Hermitage, an exceptional 3-star hotel on Reunion Island. An exceptional place, where the crystal-clear water of the lagoon blends with the green of the tropical garden for an immersion ...

ILOHA Seaview Hotel


ILOHA Seaview Hotel

Iloha is located on the west coast of Reunion Island, at the entrance to the village of Saint Leu, 300 m from the Indian Ocean (600 m walk ...

Ile de la Réunion | Tourisme – Guide – Annuaire – Infos, the site that tells you all about the Reunion Island !
You dream of a stay in the Mascarene trapeze and discover Reunion, but don't want to miss out on what it has to offer? Stop looking around, you're in the right place !

Partir en vacances dans un lieu inconnu peut parfois être déroutant et ça, le site l’a bien compris, il a même été créé spécialement pour vous. Pour vous aider à préparer au mieux votre voyage à la Réunion et profitez pleinement de votre visite.

Where will I sleep on the island? What am I going to eat and where? What activities are offered on Reunion Island? So many questions to which you will inevitably find answers on our new tourist portal dedicated to the discovery of the intense island.

Visit the part “Accommodation” and define what type of accommodation is right for you, hotel, bungalow, camping, camping car Or other. You will access the geolocation of the various accommodations on Reunion Island and will be able to make your choice according to your favorite destination. To discover Reunion Island and tourism on Reunion Island follow the leader, for more travel in the world consult the traveler.

Activities in Reunion


The Plain


Quad Treks The Team Quad Lété It is a quad trekking structure with approved quads. (therefore compulsory "B" license to drive quads) Maximum 6 pilots…


Saint Pierre


  FLY 974 Tandem est une société de parachutisme professionnel qui vous propose de découvrir les sensations uniques de la chute libre en saut tandem à Saint Pierre. Information et…

Nautical Club of Saint-Paul


Nautical Club of Saint-Paul

During the week, we supervise school groups on Optimist. On Saturday afternoon we sail on Laser, 420 and Catamaran in the Bay of St-Paul. The activity is open to adolescents and adults ...

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Restaurants in Reunion

Cap Méchant Restaurant


Cap Méchant Restaurant

Typical restaurant in the Sud Sauvage at the place called Cap Méchant. The Cap Méchant restaurant is located in Saint-Philippe. It offers local specialties: palm kernel salad, gratin or ...

Burger King

Saint-Gilles Les Bains

Burger King

For your health, eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day. For your health, practice regular physical activity. For your health, avoid eating too much fat, too much sugar, etc.

The Pierre Bistrot Chic

Saint Pierre

The Pierre Bistrot Chic

"There is no good food if it is not made out of friendship at the outset for the person for whom it is intended."

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Events in Réunion

Honey Green

Plain of Cafres

Honey Green

Miel Vert, a spotlight on Reunion's agriculture The first event of the year on Reunion Island, Miel Vert puts the spotlight on local agriculture, particularly beekeepers. Present…

Vacoas Festival


Vacoas Festival

The holiday of vacoa, an institution in Saint-Philippe Reunion Island likes to put its products and artisans on the front of the stage and what better than…

Guava tree festival

Plain des Palmistes

Guava tree festival

La fête des goyaviers, le chouchou de la Plaine des Palmistes. La fête des goyaviers permet de découvrir cet arbre fruitier et les différentes préparations des producteurs. Confiture, pâte de…